Oxygen Addon Builder Plugin


This Oxygen plugin is intended to automatically generate Oxygen frameworks only by using XQuery + HTML + CSS.

These frameworks offer a huge help for editing XML not in Text view, but in Author view (a very nice feature Oxygen offers). The users are able to edit their documents in an HTML page-like interface, thus reducing the errors, and having a much more controlled way of editing.

The main requirement for user is to edit a file called addon.xq, which is the main descriptor for the framework.


Framework creation

This is to be done in the known, normal, way for Oxygen. The framework type is to be "external" and has to be saved in the [OXYGEN_DIR]/frameworks directory, as any other normal external framework.

The user should add the association rules, as needed, as well as any other CSS files needed for styling the Author view of the documents, or any other files.

After creation of the framework, user has to add to the file ${frameworkDir}/addon.xml the information needed for deployment of the framework, namely:

Adding and updating of this information can be made by pressing the button Manage on the plugin's toolbar to open the addon management window, then right click on the file name (addon.xml) and select Edit. The file will be opened in Oxygen, in Author view.

Framework editing

After creation, the user has to press button Edit on the Addon Builder's toolbar, and select the framework directory from [OXYGEN_DIR]/frameworks directory.

Some processes will occur, and an XQuery template file will be automatically opened, in order to be edited.

The editing should follow the guidelines stated in EXPath User Agent Module.

The main idea is that the user needs to add HTML templates, actions, listeners, and / or observers to addon.xq, as it is presented below.


HTML templates

The plugin currently support the HTML templates mentioned below. After declaration, an HTML template has to attached to an XML element in the document.



The needed actions are triggered by various general, standard or custom, events, or by node mutations.

For instance, one can use the attribute onclick of a button (as was shown above) , or can add a listener for events, as it is shown below.

ua:add-event-listener($ua:document, "load", oxy:execute-action-by-name('Author/No_tags')),
ua:add-event-listener($ua:document, "load", oxy:execute-action-by-class('ro.kuberam.oxygen.addonBuilder.actions.KeepAuthorView')),
ua:add-event-listener($ua:document, "load", "setIntialValue")

The node mutations trigger actions by using mutations observers, defined as below:

ua:observer("changedValueAttrForFormElementObserver", "changedValueAttrForFormElement"),
ua:connect-observer("changedValueAttrForFormElementObserver", ua-dt:xpath-selector('//form'),
    map {
        "attributes" := "true",
        "attributeFilter" := "['type']"}

Definition of an action, as is required by Oxygen, is as follows:

    map { 
        "name" := "Delete",
        "description" := "",
        "largeIconPath" := "",          
        "smallIconPath" := "${framework}/resources/images/delete.png",
        "accessKey" := "",
        "accelerator" := ""        
    delete nodes (. | preceding-sibling::term[1])

Framework generation

Before generating the framework, if needed, update the information about addon as it was mentioned here.

Each time user considers the editing is done, one should press the button Generation on the Addon Builder's toolbar. A dialog window will let user know if the generation ran well.

In order to check the changes, the user have to restart Oxygen, and open a sample file the framework was designed for.

The framework archive, as jar, can be found in the 'target' directory located in the framework directory within [OXYGEN_DIR]/frameworks, namely in ${frameworkDir}/target.


Current limitations


Supported XQuery Update actions

Equivalences between Oxygen java actions and actions defined in XQuery: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DWKic-uH5vay0qZRcUXLfGclgYIoFDA2PEUb-LXYPXU/edit?usp=sharing.



Address is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/claudius108/releases/master/oxygen-addon-builder-plugin/addon.xml.

The source can be found at https://github.com/claudius108/oxygen-addon-builder-plugin.
